
The Elfish Gene

It is amazing to me how similar some people's experiences can be despite being separated by distance.  Take this book for example:  The Elfish Gene.  The book starts off a bit crass (a type of British humor?) but past that veneer and you see some stereotypes that only a gamer would understand (and be afflicted with).

  • Excitement and zeal for the hobby
  • Becoming attached to a character
  • Understanding relationships (the friend type, not the dating type, because let's face it, gaming becomes a liability and not a redeeming quality for most).
  • The trips to an unknown gaming store (quite a pilgrimage indeed)
  • Fitting in with other gamers (plenty more on this later, as it is the single largest challenge gamers face
The list goes on and on.  I hate to spoil the book you know...  Totally aside: I miss you Borders!  I saw this book at Half Price Books which is filling the void Borders left behind.  And thank you God my wife is a librarian.

These stereotypes, along with others, are sad but true.  As a matter of fact, let me totally embarrass myself by posting this college level digital imagery class extra credit assignment to illustrate my point...   


  1. I have to admit, I'm getting REALLY spoiled by my Amazon Kindle reader on my phone. From the small selection of books I had on it, kindle made some suggestions. I read samples (free! first few chapters) and ended up getting several very good books, cheap too. Its just so convenient. And you have seen my physical book collection. My sci-fi/fantasy collection is bigger then most libraries and book stores.

  2. Bet you felt all powerless and along without your phone today! It's amazing how far technology has advanced. Wait til you show Nathan your old Walkman. He'll shrug and/or laugh, and we'll all feel very old.
